Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where have all the children gone?

As I drive down the street on a beautiful Saturday morning I reminisce about my youthful days of summer.  The scents, the sounds, the warm summer sun crawling out over the eastern sky.  The days were filled with day long ball games, miles of pedaling our bikes over poorly constructed wooden ramps ridden with nails, and hours at the pool.  What wonderful days of summer.

            The nostalgia weakens a bit as my thoughts drift towards my children.  I begin to wonder, what will their memories of Saturdays be?  I know I don’t want them to be filled with video game high scores, blue ray moments, and internet based social interactions.  We all say our children need to be more active and we are expected to lead by example.  This just doesn’t seem to be working.

            So who or what is to blame for the streets bare of kids, kites, and rubber balls.  Is it possible fear is to blame, has the world become so dangerous that our children must hide quietly in their homes.  Could it be we are so technologically developed that personal social interaction is no longer a requirement for our society to function.  Maybe, we are just lazy and a DVD or video game makes life easier than organizing outdoor activities for the neighborhood kids.

            It’s not too late to enjoy the freedom our young men and women fight to preserve.  We are a nation of motivated, free thinkers, with many opportunities others around the world dream of.  It starts with us adapting an active lifestyle.  We must guide and teach our children the keys to longevity.  Memories are the one thing no one can take away, so let’s make them great.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Winter is on the way..

Yes, Yes I know some of us are not ready to give up the summer quite yet, but on the other hand in some regions of the country one more 100 degree plus day and we lose our minds.  Some  important things to remember as winter nears are: continue to hydrate just because you are cold doesn't mean you don't need fluid, now is the time to start exercising the core and body due to snow shoveling and balance with regards to ice and inclimate weather, and finally the holidays are known for adding on the lbs start implementing a healthy eating lifestyle today.  For those avid snow skiers, I suggest starting a program geared towards core, trunk strength and flexability in the next few weeks.  This will help prevent some of those nasty injuries incurred on the mountain every year.  It is important not to overlook the fact that as we age muscles can atrophy if not properly worked on a regular basis.  In some cases osteoperosis can be a concern as well, the majority of falls that result in hip injuries are directly related to brittle bones.  Let's have a great fall and winter and keep our family safe and injury free.  That is of course except for that one or two necessary snow balls to the rear end of a loved one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fad Free Fitness

With all the confusion out there regarding safe weight loss, I thought someone should offer those in need a resource.  First, regardless of which reality show you choose to follow as you attack your goals let it be known that losing in excess of 2-4 pounds per week is not healthy.  The is the case especially when it comes to these ridiculous low calorie plans riddled with appetite suppresants.  You can call it what you will but starving the body of calories and nutrients will have a rebound on your weight loss.  A lifestyle change is the only way to ensure the longevity of your results.  Be active, no what type of fuel you are putting in your body.  Remember our body is a direct representation of what we put our body through.  I submit to you can you write down the ingredients you put in your body in one day in less that 20 words?  I read a the ingredients off the back of a popular snack food the other day and counted 38 ingredients.  Which one of these are giving you head aches?  Which one makes you tired? Which one is causing long term health problems? Try eating every 3 hours a combination of good protein and carb sources.  Maybe even some fruit and vegetables.  Get you mind right and get that "I have to lose weight" monkey off your back