Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Winter is on the way..

Yes, Yes I know some of us are not ready to give up the summer quite yet, but on the other hand in some regions of the country one more 100 degree plus day and we lose our minds.  Some  important things to remember as winter nears are: continue to hydrate just because you are cold doesn't mean you don't need fluid, now is the time to start exercising the core and body due to snow shoveling and balance with regards to ice and inclimate weather, and finally the holidays are known for adding on the lbs start implementing a healthy eating lifestyle today.  For those avid snow skiers, I suggest starting a program geared towards core, trunk strength and flexability in the next few weeks.  This will help prevent some of those nasty injuries incurred on the mountain every year.  It is important not to overlook the fact that as we age muscles can atrophy if not properly worked on a regular basis.  In some cases osteoperosis can be a concern as well, the majority of falls that result in hip injuries are directly related to brittle bones.  Let's have a great fall and winter and keep our family safe and injury free.  That is of course except for that one or two necessary snow balls to the rear end of a loved one.

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